sexta-feira, 6 de maio de 2011

Books & Gifts

Hello people. Today I'm reading the newest Rick Riordan's book. It calls The Red Pyramid and it's the first part of the Rick Riordan's serie The Kane's Chronicles. The serie it's based in the Egipt. Almost all the Red Pyramid's history talks about the gods of the Egipt. Like Horus, Osiris, Set, Tot, Bastet and others. I'm in the page number 51 because I bought the book yesterday. And I bought my mom's gift, too. And you? Do you bought your mom's gift for the Mom's Day? If yes, what was? Put I the comments. Bye!

sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2011

Welcome to U.S.A. & Brazil

Hi, guys. My name is Gabriel. I'm Brazilian, and I'll show you a part of my life. I know, it's dangerous, but I want to be popular, so, to make our dreams reality we have to make sacrifices, ya? Attention: I'm 11 and I'm NOT an english teacher. So, put on the comments a mistake I did. Good bye!